Determine Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor (GCD), also called highest common factor (HCF) of N numbers is the largest positive integer that divides all numbers without giving a remainder.
Write an algorithm to determine the GCD of N positive integers.
Input The input to the function/method consists of two arguments - num, an integer representing the number of positive integers (N). arr, a list of positive integers.
Output Return an integer representing the GCD of the given positive integers.
Example Input: num = 5 arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Output: 2
Explanation: The largest positive integer that divides all the positive integers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 without a remainder is 2. So, the output is 2.
greatest = -Infinity
for num of arr
if (num / numArg) > greatest
set greatest to new value
time: O(n)
space: O(1)
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